Lúcia Collischonn
Lúcia is a Brazilian-German translator and PhD candidate in Translation Studies at the University of Warwick. She specialises in Exophony in creative writing and translation, that is, writing literature in a foreign language and translation into and out of one’s mother tongue, the theme of both her Master’s dissertation and her current PhD research. She has special interest in the works of Yoko Tawada, having translated, among others, the novel Etüden im Schnee (2016) which was published in Brazil in 2019. Lúcia translates from Portuguese, German and Spanish and her PhD focuses on investigating linguistic gatekeeping practices in literary translation. She is also a featured author of Tilted Axis’s forthcoming anthology Violent Phenomena: 21 Essays in Translation (edited by Dr Kavita Bhanot & Jeremy Tiang). Research interests include: translation theory and practice, multilingualism, postcolonialism, contemporary and world literature, transnational literature and adaptation studies. Apart from her translation and academic work, she likes to lift weights and play bass guitar in her spare time.
Photo of Lúcia Collischonn